Environment Library - Field Types

Environment Library - Field Types

Clicking on Field Types will load the Field Types Management screen.

Fig. 1. The Environment Library Field Types management screen

Option What it is
Selected Select this option to enable the Edit or Delete option for the Environment Library Field Type
Name Displays the name of the Environment Library Field Type
Description Displays the description of the Environment Library Field Type
Plugin Displays the name of the Plugin associated with Environment Library Field Type
Added by Default Specifies whether the Environment Library Field Type is added to a new Template by default

Descriptions of the default Environment Library Field Types:

Environment Field Types What it is
Category Server Defines the Environment's connection to the Category Server Plugin
Mail Server Defines the Environment's connection to the Mail Server Plugin
Miscellaneous Field Defines the Environment's connection to the Miscellaneous Field Plugin
Service Object Server Defines the Environment's connection to the Service Object Server Plugin
SharePoint Records Center Defines the Environment's connection to the SharePoint Records Center Plugin
SharePoint Site URL Defines the Environment's connection to the SharePoint Site URL Plugin
SmartObject Server Defines the Environment's connection to the SmartObject Server Plugin
Web Service URL Defines the Environment's connection to the Web Service URL Plugin
Workflow Management Server Defines the Environment's connection to the Workflow Management Server Plugin
Workflow Server Defines the Environment's connection to the Workflow Server Plugin



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